UNESCO Higher Education Conversation Series: Quality Assurance across Borders

This is the seventh in the series of Higher Education Conversations in the leadup to the 3rd World Higher Education Conference (Barcelona, 18 – 20 May 2022). It aims to bring together policy makers and higher education stakeholders to discuss how effective quality assurance across borders at the higher education level can contribute to meeting SDG target 4.3.

Key questions to be examined:

What is the role of quality assurance in the recognition process?

What are the main challenges faced by governments in developing robust quality assurance/mechanisms agencies?

How can quality assurance contribute to innovative and effective lifelong learning systems?

What is/should be the role of quality assurance networks and regional networks of information centres?

What are the best practices of quality assurance in higher education, both internal and external?


Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO - opening remarks

Susana Karakhanyan, Higher Education Policy and Regulation Director at Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge, UAE, and Immediate Past President of INQAAHE - panellist

David Mills, Deputy Director of the Global Centre for Higher Education and Associate Professor, University of Oxford - panellist

Cynthia Jackson-Hammond, President of the Council of Higher Education Accreditation, United States - panellist

Jenneke Lokhoff, President of the ENIC Bureau and NARIC Advisory Board - panellist

Moderator :

Qingling Kong, Associate Project Officer, UNESCO

This conversation will be held on Thursday, 28 April on Zoom.

Registration link: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m5jh1s1WSJGwKMNbGJe6YQ